Friday, May 28, 2010 Report Finds Long-Term ELLs Languishing in Calif. Schools


100,000 teachers might get laid off nationwide

5.28.10 - Senior congressional Democrats and the Obama administration scrambled Wednesday to line up

Report Finds Long-Term ELLs Languishing in Calif. Schools

5.28.10 - A portrait of long-term English-language learners in 40 California school districts shows that the specific needs of such students are largely being ignored, a statewide...
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School's out, but should it be?

5.28.10 - A movement is underway to lengthen the school year, or at least provide students with year-round academic enrichment to prevent "the summer slide."...
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Obama strips all Gifted and Talented and Advanced Placement education funding. What next

5.28.10 - Dick Kantenberger - First, The Obama Administration totally striped the only