Thursday, May 13, 2010 Edutopia: Inside George Lucas’ Quixotic Plan to Save America’s Schools


Edutopia: Inside George Lucas’ Quixotic Plan to Save America’s Schools

5.13.10 - Robert Pondiscio - If there’s anything in education that raises my eyebrows (and occasionally

Educators decry Arizona's ethnic studies ban as an outrage

5.13.10 - Local school and college officials Wednesday blasted the passage of a new Arizona law that bans ethnic studies in public schools, calling it an attack on freedom of...
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Climbing trees and snowball fights 'should be encouraged by schools'

5.13.10 - Children’s confidence and independence is being eroded by the health and safety culture in schools, according to a leading headmaster. ...
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Few States Meet NCLB Goals for English-Learners

5.13.10 - Even among the 11 states that do, researchers and experts say, it’s not possible to conclude that ELL achievement is improving ...