Sunday, May 2, 2010

Education - Elementary students wax poetic in published book | Sacramento Bee

Education - Elementary students wax poetic in published book| Sacramento Bee

Seven students at North Avenue Elementary in Del Paso Heights will become published authors after their poems were selected to appear in the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans.
Sacramento City Unified spends more money on employee benefits on a per-pupil basis than any other district its size in California, according to a Bee analysis of recently released state figures.
Former Sacramento State President Donald R. Gerth is speaking Tuesday about his new book on the history of the California State University system.
Two free workshops for college-bound students will be presented at Arden-Dimick Library, 891 Watt Ave., Sacramento.
The Black Parallel School Board will host a candidates forum at 11 a.m. today at Oak Park United Methodist Church, 3600 Broadway.
Volunteers are being sought to help Highlands High School receive a community makeover from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. today.
A proposal to spend more than $500,000 in public money on art exhibits for children is being condemned by some Sacramento leaders and child advocates, who consider the plan an outrage while life-and-death social services programs falter.
San Juan Unified School District will preserve class sizes at 23 students to one teacher in kindergarten through third grades for the next school year.
California will once again try to get federal education money through the so-called "Race to the Top" competition among states, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced this morning.

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