Monday, May 3, 2010

Education News - The New York Times

Education News - The New York Times
Williamsburg Collegiate in Brooklyn, whose students outscore their district counterparts.
Ruth Fremson/The New York Times

Williamsburg Collegiate in Brooklyn, whose students outscore their district counterparts.

Leaders of the school choice movement have come to recognize that raising student achievement for poor urban children is difficult and often expensive.

More Pre-K Pupils Qualify for Gifted Programs

The minimum score for the most competitive of the programs, which have 300 slots, was achieved by 1,788 students.

Sandra J. Oliveira, executive director of financial aid at Providence College, has 100 appeals for more aid to go through.

A Fairy Godmother to Help With College Aid

When financial aid is not enough, families can ask for more help. Judging those appeals falls to people like Sandra J. Oliveira.

A New Emotional Intimacy in a Class on Human Anatomy

Some Northwestern medical students who dissected donated human bodies got to know their donor better thanks to a new wrinkle at a post-course gathering.

The Crouch siblings of Danbury, Conn., from left, Kenny, Martina, Ray and Carol, in December after Yale offered them early acceptance. They were believed to be the first quadruplets ever to have received such an offer from Yale, and this week they said yes.

For Individual Reasons, Quadruplets Pick Yale

Carol, Kenny, Martina and Ray Crouch considered going their separate ways for higher education, but in the end, they all liked what they saw at Yale.

City Pushes Shift for Special Education

Principals at 1,500 schools must enroll all but the most severely disabled students by fall 2011.

A Long Walk for a Cause

Four students arrived in Washington, having walked from Miami to support a bill that would give legal status to immigrants who arrived at age 15 or younger.

Found: Matching Funds for Federal Grants