Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education- Everything you need to know about the world of education.

A School Survival Guide for Parents (And Everyone Else)

Posted at 6:30 AM ET, 05/12/2010

Teachers refuse to give standardized tests to kids

Maybe there is a lesson in this for American teachers. Saying that they are sick and tired of forcing kids to take standardized tests, thousands of teachers in England are refusing to administer high-stakes standardized tests in English and math this week.
Posted by Valerie Strauss | Permalink | Comments (1)

Drama at Duke Ellington

Students at Ellington School of the Arts High School were focused on their AP exams Monday when things started to go south in a hurry. First, a power outage in Georgetown left the school without lights for about four hours starting at 12:15 p.m. While some students headed home, others remained in the school auditorium waiting for the power to return.
Then, according to a letter home from head of school and CEO Rory Pullens:
"Another, and probably more disturbing situation, occurred when a man, unassociated with any Ellington student or staff, gained entry into the building during lunch time after signing in and going through security check. Once in the building he began to verbally threaten students and staff loudly, displaying potential for violence."
No one was injured, Pullens said. The police were called, and the man had no weapons. Some students were clearly shaken by the incident, which, coupled with the power outage, generated "much speculation if