Friday, May 21, 2010

The Educated Guess � A second school suit is in the chute

The Educated Guess � A second school suit is in the chute

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A second school suit is in the chute

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If one major school suit weren’t enough for the governor, another is heading his way.
The Campaign for Quality Education and other groups representing low-income students and their families sent Gov. Schwarzenegger a letter on Thursday, which he will no doubt ignore, threatening to file their own lawsuit unless he acts immediately “to provide all California public school students with a new school finance system that sufficiently and equitably supports its public schools.”
The nine-page letter which reads like a legal complaint that lacks only a stamp on the envelope, documents calls for action over the years and the efforts by community groups to lobby for it. “Yet to date, the State has failed to take any action to respond to these demands to adequately and equitably fund our schools. Indeed, the policymaking process seems paralyzed, unable to put a stop to drastic funding cuts and budget impasses and even less able to enact a new and different school funding system.”
(Read more and comment on this post)