Monday, May 31, 2010

Anti-Semitic student game spurs outrage

Anti-Semitic student game spurs outrage

Anti-Semitic student game spurs outrage

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - A game with anti-Semitic elements played by dozens of high school students was offensive but isn't illegal, officials say.
The game, called "Beat the Jew," has caused "extreme disappointment," but the 40 students involved can't be punished because it happened off school property, La Quinta High Principal Donna Salazar said Wednesday.

Some people said something more should be done to teach tolerance.
"We only have three weeks until there's not much you can do about it," said the 18-year-old La Quinta High student who alerted officials to the game and Facebook page promoting it. She has asked to remain anonymous and is staying home from school out of fear of retribution.
"Some of these kids that have joined the group, they're like the cream of the crop of my class," she said. "They're going to be the leaders of our future and they feel this way?"
The chase game involved a runner - called a "Jew" - and groups of people chasing in cars - "Nazis."
"The objective for the Jew is to run down Hwy. 111 to a specified checkpoint before the Nazis can catch up to him, tackle him down and capture him," according to a Facebook page that was taken down Friday.

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