Thursday, April 8, 2010

Women's Conference Rethinking the Evolved Man

Rethinking the Evolved Man


Family + Friends

Matthew DiGirolamo, Director of Marketing and Partnerships, The Women's Conference
By Matthew DiGirolamo

When some of my female friends talk about the men they admire or find remarkable, they sometimes refer to them as “evolved.”

The logic that runs through this statement is that there is a standard-issue primitive male and then there is this whole other ideal specimen worthy of respect: The Evolved Man.

As I've heard him described, The Evolved Man is strong and sensitive, tough and compassionate.

He is a man who is comfortable with his feelings and knows how to express a full range of emotions. He listens when others talk.

In addition to sports and beer, The Evolved Man is cultured – appreciates music, art and literature – and stylish (but not too much).

He is self-aware and ambitious, but he is also passionate about a cause and acts in the service of others.

The Evolved Man respects and relates to women – and takes care of his responsibilities.

These qualities are supposed to make a man so extraordinary that a new category is