Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz
Local school news is thin today, but you can read up on what's happening in schools across California and the rest of the country in your newsblitz:
  • Federal judges who evaluated California's bid for Race to the Top, a competition for more stimulus money for schools, said it had a bad relationship with its teachers unionsand weak data systems for tracking student performance, the Sacramento Bee writes. California may not even apply for the second round of the competition.
  • Educated Guess blogs about a think tank's report on how Race to the Top scoring should be changed.
  • Neighborhood activists in Los Angeles who are blocking the construction of a new schoolhave cost the Los Angeles Unified School District $20 million, the Los Angeles Times reports.
  • The superintendent of Santa Clara County schools gets mixed marks, the Mercury News writes. The county schools leader has become a flashpoint for controversy in the county around San Jose.