Monday, April 5, 2010

This Week In Education Video: Student Rejected On "Good Morning America" - Three Times

This Week In Education

Video: Student Rejected On "Good Morning America" - Three Times

ScreenHunter_06 Apr. 05 08.49From Gawker TV: High Schooler Gets Rejected From Three Colleges On National TV Christen Caval is a high school senior who, like many others, is receiving word from the colleges of her dreams. Unfortunately for her, most high schoolers don't have to endure three consecutive rejections on national television...Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution This week, Jamie moves his food train of redemption to a local high school. Wil

News: States Hesitate Over RTTT Participation

11111111111news Education" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 153, 204); ">States Skeptical About ‘Race to Top’ School Aid Contest NYT Sam Dillon: Besides Colorado, a string of other states — including Arizona, California, Nebraska, South Carolina and South Dakota — say they have not yet decided whether to keep participating. ...Union fails to restrict