Monday, April 5, 2010

This Week In Education USDE: $18M For Chicago Teacher Prep Programs

This Week In Education

USDE: $18M For Chicago Teacher Prep Programs

Tumblr_l084f4JZ4N1qa42jro1_500Illinois may not have gotten any first round RTTT money but that doesn't mean that Arne Duncan and Barack Obama aren't taking care of their friends back home.
Last week's TQP grant announcement included over $11 million for a small, innovative teacher preparation program at the University of Chicago and $7 million for a program at Governors State University.
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Thompson: Mixed Messages From RTTT

Actions_speak_louder_than_wordsMichelle Rhee’s IMPACT evaluation system has been rightly attacked for its high-handedness. And one reason why theDistrict of Columbia’s RttT proposal was correctly rejected was its "opening statement ... raises several concerns about use of RttT to thwart political resistance to the District’s human resources management style." The judge said that the Chancellor should focus more on developing human resources and "less on creating public notoriety."
Ouch. And yet, those who seek a green light for attacking unions and the rest of the "status quo" have not heard an unambiguous