Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This Week In Education TV: New HBO Series Takes On Charters & Choice

This Week In Education

TV: New HBO Series Takes On Charters & Choice

ScreenHunter_06 Apr. 27 01.25Leave it to The Wire's David Simon to work some scathing dialogue about school reform into his new HBO series, Treme, set in post-Katrina New Orleans. Here's a snippet from a father-daughter scene from the second episode:
Where'm I gonna to go to school?
Tulane's working on something for faculty kids. Lusher.
Lusher's not a high school Daddy.
They're adding high school.
Plus it's public.
Not anymore, it's charter.
Where are they going to put the high school?
They're taking over Forshey.
What about the Forshey kids? Where are they going to go?