Friday, April 2, 2010

This Week In Education DUI: Drunk Driving Infractions By School Leaders

This Week In Education

DUI: Drunk Driving Infractions By School Leaders

ScreenHunter_01 Mar. 29 12.15Washington State superintendent of schools Randy Dorn apologized last week for driving while intoxicated. It happened after a community crab feed. It sounds like he might have had his family in the car with him. But it took a lot of effort from beat reporters to get the documents that forced the apology, according to the paper that broke the story. And it's not the first time it's happened to a state education chief or other education muckety-muck. And sometimes it ends tragically.

Other incidents:

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee's 10-county school system got his SECOND DUI in the fall, according to this