Thursday, April 22, 2010

This Week In Education AM News: Pensions Not Pink Slips

This Week In Education

AM News: Pensions Not Pink Slips

Fewer teacher layoffs foreseen in Seattle Seattle Times: The number of teacher layoffs in Seattle looks like it will be much lower this year than last... Teacher Pension Plans Could Trigger Next Big Bailout Crisis
US News: Congress and the White House are ignoring a problem that could dwarf the big bank bailouts...
Schools strain to hit target for budget cuts Boston Globe: Weymouth school officials are spending the week figuring out how to cut $4 million from their budget to meet the mayor’s targeted $51.5 million spending level for next fiscal year...Manager to move ahead with Detroit school closings AP: The emergency financial manager for Detroit's public schools is expected to follow a judge's order and meet with the district's Board of Education before moving forward with plans to close or consolidate 42 schools this year... 'Show some guts!' protesters tell Ill. lawmakers AP: Crying "Raise our taxes!" and "Show some guts!", thousands of people rallied at the state Capitol on Wednesday to protest lawmakers' inaction on a tax hike to fix a $13 billion deficit.