Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Think Progress � Fifty-five years after Brown v. Board, Mississippi county schools ordered to stop school segregation.

Think Progress � Fifty-five years after Brown v. Board, Mississippi county schools ordered to stop school segregation.:
"Fifty-five years after Brown v. Board, Mississippi county schools ordered to stop school segregation.

Today, a federal court ordered a county in Walthall County in Mississippi to “stop segregating its schools by grouping African American students into all-black classrooms and allowing white students to transfer to the county’s only majority-white school.” From the Justice Department’s press release:

“More than 55 years after Brown v. Board of Education, it is unacceptable for school districts to act in a way that encourages or tolerates the resegregation of public schools,” said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “We will take action so that school districts subject to federal desegregation orders comply with their obligation to eliminate vestiges of separate black and white schools.”"