Thursday, April 1, 2010

Schools Matter: Who Needs A Republican Party When You Have a Democrat Eager to Implement Your Plan?

Schools Matter: Who Needs A Republican Party When You Have a Democrat Eager to Implement Your Plan?

Who Needs A Republican Party When You Have a Democrat Eager to Implement Your Plan?

For those who worry about the future of the two party system as the Tea Party ushers the Republicans into BozoLand, never fear. With a President intent upon occupying the Center-Right, all the Republicans have to do is to continue to move further right with the Tea Partiers, and the former Republican agenda gets appropriated by the former Democrats as they chase westward. By 2012 Obama, himself, will likely be labeling the 2008 Obama a socialist. In the meantime, "Drill, Baby, Drill" becomes a "Democratic" priority as the world melts and the U. S. moves closer to fascism. From Raw Story:
"Drill, Baby, Drill," chanted conservatives at the 2008 Republican convention and at rallies across the country ever since. Now, they claim President Barack Obama's embrace of the idea doesn't quite meet their standards.
Republicans have reacted largely with derision to Obama's announcement to expand offshore drilling Wednesday, declaring that his move -- which adopts a key plank in their energy platform --