Thursday, April 15, 2010

Schools Matter: SB 6 Vetoed

Schools Matter: SB 6 Vetoed

SB 6 Vetoed

The Rovian strategy of the neocons is to move policy talk so far right that Bush policies begin to appear mainstream. This is what happened in Florida with SB 6. When corporatists regroup to offer their version of SB 7 for destroying public education and the teaching profession, it will be something that only Margaret Spellings could love, but it will be hailed as a liberal victory and celebrated by Randi Weingarten. From Tampa Bay Online:
TALLAHASSEE - Gov. Charlie Crist has just vetoed SB 6, ending a week of suspense and protests against the controversial teacher tenure bill sponsored by the chairman of Crist's own political party.
Crist's action goes against conservative leaders, including former Gov. Jeb Bush, and will likely spur more speculation that he plans to break from the party and run as an independent for U.S.