Thursday, April 1, 2010

Schools Matter: Florida Test and Punish Policy Shifts Focus to Teachers

Schools Matter: Florida Test and Punish Policy Shifts Focus to Teachers

Florida Test and Punish Policy Shifts Focus to Teachers

With the Jeb Bush brain trust now rushing through a Senate bill in Florida that would make teachers' jobs dependent upon test scores, Arne Duncan and his philanthro-capitalist cabal at ED must be second-guessing their RTTT contest picks last week. What an opportunity missed to make starving states understand what Arne and the Oligarchs are looking for! Oh well, by the time this Bill becomes law, the second round of RTTT will be upon us, and the Florida message can be hammered home in even a more convincing fashion, i.e., with hundreds of millions of dollars.

But what is that, that rumbling? Oh, I see, it is students, teachers, and parents all together twittering, signing petitions, marching and emailing and calling their representatives to shut down this most insidious Republocratic