Monday, April 5, 2010

San Francisco State removes free-speech-zone restrictions | California Watch

San Francisco State removes free-speech-zone restrictions | California Watch

San Francisco State removes free-speech-zone restrictions

A national free-speech group is patting San Francisco State University on the back for getting rid of its free-speech zones – restrictions on where rallies and demonstrations could take place on campus.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education reported that the university has quietly revised its policy on the "Use of Buildings and Grounds." The old policy said rallies and demonstrations had to take place in public forum areas, such as Student Union Plaza. Literature could only be passed out behind blue lines marked on the pavement in the Student Union Plaza.

Flickr photo by coolmikeol

In the revised policy, there are no designated free-speech zones. The university allows for "spontaneous events": "Spontaneous events occasioned by news or issues coming into public knowledge may be held on campus without advance permission so long as they adhere to all University policies and the restrictions."

And as far as pamphlets go: "Distribution of literature may occur in University outdoor areas as long as