Friday, April 9, 2010

Rise & Shine: Experiment into cash-for-kids deemed a failure | GothamSchools

Rise & Shine: Experiment into cash-for-kids deemed a failure | GothamSchools

Rise & Shine: Experiment into cash-for-kids deemed a failure

  • The city’s cash-for-grades initiative ended because it didn’t cause kids to work harder. (Post, Daily News)
  • The city will offer students online training next year about how to behave properly online. (Times)
  • The state is threatening to cut thousands of scholarships funded by lottery revenue. (Daily News)
  • The Daily News: UFT head Michael Mulgrew should lead teachers to the “new and unavoidable future.”
  • The Harlem arts program on the chopping block has been in trouble for a while. (Times, Daily News)
  • Mayor Bloomberg has offered cupcakes to the Post’s editorial board, and for sale in city buildings. (Post)
  • Middle school students are decorating their cafeteria tables in an environmental art contest. (NY1)
  • The research doesn’t say merit pay boosts performance, but states are pushing it anyway. (AP)
  • The Education Equality Project co-chairs write that good teachers matter to poor kids. (Washington Post)
  • A system being tested in Chicago’s schools uses a checklist to identify good and bad teaching. (Times)
  • New Jersey’s schools added 36,000 students and 28,000 staff since 2001, a columnist writes. (Post)