Sunday, April 25, 2010

Public schools leaders, students walk a fine line on religion -

Public schools leaders, students walk a fine line on religion -

Public schools leaders, students walk a fine line on religion

During six recent school days, students at Liberty, Shafter and Bakersfield high schools gave out hundreds of Bibles to their peers on campus.
How did they manage that in a public high school? Very carefully.
The giveaways took place during rallies that had to be student-led and held when classes were not in session. They were in a spot on campus designated by the principal. To give out Bibles, students in Christian clubs could not approach their peers.
Public school students, administrators and teachers must follow specific rules designed to separate church and state, and at the same time acknowledge student rights. It can get tricky, however.
"We respect separation of church and state," said Jacob Stuebbe, a BHS economics teacher and Fist Pump 4 Jesus student club adviser. "At school, there's a fine line."
Rules regarding religion in public schools have been well established for decades, said John Orr, a retired professor at the University of Southern California and an expert in religion and public education.
In essence, he said, students are free to express religious beliefs as long as they don't disrupt class and school-sponsored activities.
Schools and their employees cannot endorse student religious practices, nor inhibit them. Students can focus on
They can:
* Engage in prayer and religious discussion
* Be excused from school for religious reasons
* Share religious literature
* Study about religion, including the Bible, for purposes of instruction or for an assignment
* Participate in See You at the Pole prayer event, and other events before and after school
Source: The American Center for Law and Justice
AR 6145.5(a)
* "No high school is permitted to endorse, or allow to exist, clubs of a limited membership character."
BP 6145(a)
* "... no district student's participation in extracurricular and co-curricular activities shall be required or refused based on the student's ... religion."
BP 5145.13
* "Religious activities, which promote the 'appearance' of school sponsorship, cannot be scheduled or conducted."
Source: Kern High School District