Monday, April 12, 2010

PALI Charter Parent Writes Us...(Read The Letter) -

PALI Charter Parent Writes Us...(Read The Letter) -

PALI Charter Parent Writes Us...(Read The Letter)


Another day, another story about PALI Charter (you can catch up on our PALI Charter stories here, here andhere). This letter comes from a parent who writes:

"Victim or Villain?

As a parent whose children went and go to Palisades Charter High School, I have been trying to understand what caused the turmoil that the school has been going through during the last several months. I have visited almost all the board meetings since the beginning of the school year. Even though I do not belong in the loud group of parents who attend board meetings to show how bad their manners are, I sometimes have to control myself in order not to shout out: why you all can't see what is happening right in front of you?

My information is limited, since I don't have any other sources except the official presentations, village newspaper, and summaries that the school posts online. Yet I have a feeling that we are all being duped by a very talented con artist that bluffs and cries to manipulate sympathetic parents and others at the school to project an impression of a victim who deserves compassion and support.

The Executive Director of the school, Amy Dresser-Held, who, as I understand was promoted by her