Tuesday, April 27, 2010

North Penn strike is epic fail

North Penn strike is epic fail

North Penn strike is epic fail

April 27, 8:10 AMPhiladelphia Libertarian ExaminerAaron Proctor

The teachers who went on strike last week in Montgomery County's North Penn School District are punching the clock again this morning.
A judge's order doubled up on what teachers "already planned to do" - and that's return to work today.
So, if they are going back to work without a contract and going back to work after striking for a week: what exactly did they prove?
They proved that these particular employees care more about their own interests than what they are supposed to do (you know, teach kids). They also slapped the faces of anyone who is unemployed.
Unions are becoming a burden to society and the situation at North Penn proves this. Why were kids' educations affected due to carelessness and selfishness? A private, non-unionized school would have sent these teachers packing and immediately hired new blood from the massive coffers of the unemployed ranks.