Wednesday, April 21, 2010

North Clackamas School District may consider 4-day week to combat budget problems |

North Clackamas School District may consider 4-day week to combat budget problems |

North Clackamas School District may consider 4-day week to combat budget problems

By Nicole Dungca, The Oregonian

April 21, 2010, 5:14PM
CLACKAMAS -- North Clackamas school officials may consider moving to a four-day week after the next school year to cope with budget constraints largely driven by a significant enrollment decline and increased costs in employee health insurance.

Superintendent Tim Mills said during a Tuesday night community budget meeting that a four-day week was just one of many options the budget committee must look at in a depressed economy. "We're running out of dollars in terms of our reserves to support us," he said.

District spokesman Joe Krumm said officials are not actively working to implement the abbreviated school week, and Mills noted that the district has not recommended the option.

"Things would have to substantially change to look at this option," Krumm said. "We don't want to alarm folks."

A move to a four-day school week would save approximately $1 million on transportation and operating costs for the district, according to Mills, and he mentioned that the district was aware of the "major impact" it would have on families.

"For us to do a move like this, we would want to involve our community and a lot more discussion," Mills said.

Oregon is one of fewer than 20 states that allow schools to have 4-day

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