Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Latest from the Ownership Society

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Latest from the Ownership Society

Latest from the Ownership Society

The greed mongers

"In K-12 education, we submit, greed can be good, albeit ugly." --Fordham's Finn & Hess

Conservative think-tankers like Rick Hess are critical of Arne Duncan's i3reform plan because, they complain, there's not enough room for for-profit companies to feed their bottom lines in the ed reform biz.

According to Hess:
Their selfish pursuit of profit gives them cause to be more aggressive about expansion, more

How they do it in Philly

People often ask me how how, or if, you can make any money as a charter school operator? Here's how they do it in Philly.
Over half a million bucks in undocumented expenses, and the school's board votes to approve them? Hey, can I get a job there?