Sunday, April 25, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

A School Survival Guide for Parents (And Everyone Else)

Posted at 1:00 PM ET, 04/24/2010

Senior slump: A cautionary tale

College admissions consultant Bruce Vinik writes about how hard it is for many 12th graders to focus on their school work. As May approaches, even high achieving students give serious consideration to skipping their Advanced Placement exams and heading to the beach. But senior slump is serious business to colleges. Here's a cautionary tale.
Posted by Valerie Strauss | Permalink | Comments (4)
What's Right and Wrong With Our Schools

Posted at 5:30 AM ET, 04/23/2010

The irksome myth about Garfield after Escalante

There is a widespread myth that Garfield High School in East Los Angeles went downhill academically after its superstar math teacher Jaime Escalante left the school in 1991. It is important to understand why this is false. Galvanizing school cultures are maintained by many people, not just hero teachers. Great teachers like Escalante can create such cultures, but the test of their validity is what happens after that teacher leaves.
Posted by Jay Mathews | Permalink | Comments (15)