Sunday, April 11, 2010

Education - The Denver Post

Education - The Denver Post

Denver high school a finalist for graduation speech by president 4304/10/2010A Denver high school is one of six U.S. schools in the running to have President Barack Obama give the graduation commencement speech this spring, the White House announced Friday.
DPS orders gardeners to undergo criminal background checks04/06/2010 - Community gardeners who pay a small fee to grow veggies and flowers in fenced-in plots on the grounds of public schools are being told to submit to criminal background checks or grow elsewhere.
Colorado education leaders to meet today about grant04/06/2010 - A group of Colorado's education leaders will meet today to plot the state's next step in the Race to the Top federal education grant competition.
DPS offering early retirement to some tenured teachers04/05/2010 - Some tenured teachers facing involuntary placement into Denver schools may opt for early retirement in exchange for a year's worth of pay under a new incentive plan offered by the district this year.
Commerce City schools help parents on census forms04/02/2010 - First-graders Aileene Paredes, Veaney Chacon and Misael Diaz showed off their homemade census forms tucked inside homemade envelopes.