Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Educated Reporter: If you haven’t read enough about teacher quality this week...

The Educated Reporter: If you haven’t read enough about teacher quality this week...

If you haven’t read enough about teacher quality this week...

I didn’t love Newsweek’s “fire bad teachers” cover image back in March, and the article itself had a critical flaw, I felt: It conflated mediocre teachers and the truly depraved into one big category of “bad.” Firing the latter should be a no-brainer; firing the former is a whole different story. (Practical? Desirable? Etc.) I feel at times like the debate on teacher quality as it appears in the national media neglects more complicated 

Welcome, Caroline!

I am very excited that Caroline Hendrie is going to be the new executive director of EWA. My condolences to Education Week, where Caroline has worked for 15 years and is reportedly invaluable. Their loss is not just my organization’s gain, but a great gain for education journalists everywhere. Caroline has big shoes to fill—Lisa Walker has, over the last 24 years, admirably built EWA into what it is today—and will begin to try to do so on June 1.