Friday, April 2, 2010

The Educated Guess � Poizner the teacher is sent to the office

The Educated Guess � Poizner the teacher is sent to the office

Poizner the teacher is sent to the office

Posted in Uncategorized
Steve Poizner can’t catch a break. For his advocacy of tax cuts that would further punish public schools, he may not deserve one.
Behind in the polls, deluged by eMeg’s bank account in the Republican race for governor, Poizner published a candid, largely sympathetic chronicle of his year teaching at a high school in East San Jose, only to get berated and shunned by some of the subjects of his book.

Poizner, the state’s insurance commissioner, timed the release of his detailed education policy on Thursday with the official publication of “Mount Pleasant,”named after the low-income largely Hispanic high school where he taught American government to seniors for a semester in 2003.
The jacket cover has effusive comments from Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, among others. But the day before, Poizner’s hometown paper, the Mercury News, noted that Poizner had been uninvited from returning to the high school, where he has spoken annually. A