Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Educated Guess No longer highest paid teachers

The Educated Guess

No longer highest paid teachers

Posted in Taxes, pay
Teachers in California no longer earn, on average, the most of any state in the nation. New York has taken over that distinction.
California has the second highest student to teacher ratio in the nation (20.9:1), next to Utah’s 21.4. And its spending per student has fallen two notches to 43rd in the nation.
These are some of the statistics from the National Education Association’s annual report Rankings and Estimates for 2010. There aren’t many surprises, given the state’s fiscal mess. And since most of the data comes form the 2008-’09 year, figures on school spending will likely detereorate, relative to the rest of the nation, over the next two years.
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Standardized tests’ Holy Grail