Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Educated Guess New force for STEM education

The Educated Guess

New force for STEM education

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Posted in STEM
A gap in the state’s science, technology, engineering and math education has now been filled, with the formal launching Wednesday of the California STEM Innovation Network: CSI Net.
Based on a successful model in Ohio, CSI Net will be a private/public partnership bringing together K-12 and higher education institutions, high tech businesses, nonprofits, museums and foundations to support and fund STEM policies and programs.
Through a STEM council and regional STEM advocates, the organization will set priorities in an area rich with foundation and corporate involvement but lacking cohesiveness. As a result, even in Silicon Valley, some schools have few computers and narrow bandwidth; the state is ranked, by one measure, 47th in the use of technology for instruction; and there’s little exposure in middle and high schools to STEM careers. (See student survey.)
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