Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Doo-Doo Heads | Intercepts

Doo-Doo Heads | Intercepts

Doo-Doo Heads

First there was the death prayer memo.
Then there was the drug mule response.
Now we’ve reached the culmination of Godwin’s Law – or at least the Pol Pot corollary.
On a Facebook page titled, “New Jersey Teachers United Against Governor Chris Christie’s Pay Freeze,” one commenter wrote: “Remember Pol Pot, dictator of Cambodia? He reigned in terror, his target was teachers and intellectuals. They were either killed or put into forced labor… King Kris Kristy is headed in this direction.”
The Associated Press interviewed Marlene Brubaker, a Camden County Technical School science teacher who wrote the post.
“I’m not saying this guy is killing us physically,” she said. “I would say he’s trying to kill us spiritually,” by disrespecting teachers and spreading the myth that they’re overpaid.
How about disrespecting the memory of all the people who were killed – physically – by Pol