Monday, April 19, 2010

Crackdown in California � Student Activism

Crackdown in California � Student Activism

Crackdown in California

Last Friday students who were involved in a March 3 building occupation at the California State University, Fullerton received notice that they would be charged with misdemeanor trespass. One student blogger claims that the students were told by police on March 3 that there would be no criminal charges filed against them.
The CSUF development is just the latest in a string of actions by California administrators and public officials in recent weeks intended to squelch student protest by any mechanism available. Elsewhere in the state …
  • UC Santa Cruz is imposing fines of $944 each on 36 students who participated in an occupation of the campus’s Kerr Hall last semester.
  • UCSC student Brian Glasscock is facing expulsion for his involvement in several non-violent campus actions, including the Kerr Hall takeover.
  • The ACLU of Northern California recently sent Berkeley administrators a letter charging that disciplinary