Wednesday, April 14, 2010

California State University, Stanislaus Students present documents sparking AG investigation - News

California State University, Stanislaus Students present documents sparking AG investigation - News

California State University, Stanislaus Students present documents sparking AG investigation

Supposed Palin contract surfaces in dumpster on school furlough day

By: Erin Bowe, Inderjit Pahal, and Chris Dunne

Issue date: 4/14/10 Section: News

Two University students have sparked an investigation by the California Attorney General into the CSU Stanislaus Foundation's financials - all it took was a little dumpster diving.

Tuesday morning, students Alicia Lewis and Ashli Briggs came forward with documents - after the Foundation denied their existence - regarding Sarah Palin's speaking engagement at CSU Stanislaus, and responded to questions from both local and national news media.

While the documents in question do not specifically refer to Palin, it does demand "Round-trip, first class commercial air travel for two between Anchorage, Alaska and event city" and was issued by the Washington Speaker's Bureau an agency that, according to their website, exclusively