Friday, April 16, 2010

The California Majority Report // CDP Convention Preview: What's in Store for Democrats in LA

The California Majority Report // CDP Convention Preview: What's in Store for Democrats in LA


CDP Convention Preview: What's in Store for Democrats in LA

April 15, 2010 @ 12:44 PM
Steven Maviglio
Most of the reports by the news media this weekend will focus on whether Democrats are fired up to fend off Republican challenges this year. The answer, quite simply, is yes. Still, it is no secret to the activist base of the Democratic party that shows up at the convention that races up and down the ballot that were slam dunks in 2008 will be tough battles this year.
So heading into the convention, here's a quick guide to what needs to be accomplished in LA for Democrats to leave in strong position for June and November.
Will Jerry Brown Dazzle? -- Democrats are most nervous about the gubernatorial race. Jerry Brown is already down in a few polls while Whitman seems to be in cruise control with an unlimited budget. Brown will need to put doubts about his candidacy to rest. At the last convention, when Brown still had rivals for the gubernatorial nomination, he received the most enthusiasm from the gathered conventioneers. This time, he'll need to make a solid case for why his race is the most important on the ballot, and put to rest the concerns about his candidacy.
Boxer's Opportunity -- Nobody is better than dishing out red meat to Democratic delegates than Senator Barbara Boxer. She's in the fight of her life this year and will need to engage every Democrat at the convention to get heavily involved in her campaign. She too will need to let delegates know what's at stake in her Senate campaign. Fortunately, she'll likely be able to pull that off with ease.
Can Pelosi Make the Case for Congress? -- Prediction: Nancy Pelosi will knock the applause-o-meter off the charts. Expect a strong defense of the health care plan and what Democrats have achieved in Congress. Pelosi is the most loved California Democrat, and her work to pass health care reform has put wind in the sails of Democrats who've watched the Obama administration's poll standing take a nosedive.
The Gavin Newsom and Janice Hahn Smackdown -- Who knew the LG's race could possibly be the most contentious on the ballot? A year ago, Sen. Dean Florez was the only announced candidate and made a major convention splash. This year, Newsom and Hahn are locked in a death match. Will Newsom's name ID carry him to victory? Will Hahn's LA base and strong standing among women prevail? Most Democrats know little about Hahn, and she'll need to make a splash. Newsom is a strong speaker and there's always a buzz when