Sunday, April 18, 2010

Buzz for Palin event at CSU Stanislaus turns into a roar - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Buzz for Palin event at CSU Stanislaus turns into a roar - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Buzz for Palin event at CSU Stanislaus turns into a roar

Sarah Palin will speak at a CSU Stanislaus Foundation fundraiser in June.
TURLOCK – When they signed Sarah Palin, California State University, Stanislaus, foundation officials expected to generate buzz.
What they got was a deafening roar.
Entities ranging from the "Today" show to the Huffington Post have featured items on a fundraiser on the small campus in the heart of California's Central Valley. A nonscientific search found 256 media mentions of the event since it was announced last month.
The celebrity television show "Extra" referred to the "diva demands" in Palin's speaking contract.
"By the looks of the demands," "Extra" wrote on its website, "you would think the former governor was a Hollywood celebrity, not a politician!"
Students, faculty and others have protested the selection of the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate for the university's 50th anniversary gala on June 25.

Instant ice cream, cockroach races thrill guests at UC Davis' spring rite

Jennifer Ronconi,center, and friends enjoy some music at Picnic Day on Saturday at UC Davis. Police estimate that 75,000 people attended the event, which offered cow weigh-offs, cockroach racing, goat milking and wine-barrel making in addition to music.
The four friends climbed single-file through the corral and onto the fading metal cow scale in a UC Davis barn. Their combined weight – 241 kilograms, well below the heifer known as Legendairy who registers at a hefty 541 kilograms.
"I'm so glad we're under," said Kailey Banks, 20, a sophomore at the university.

Sacramento area schools try to serve healthier food