Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wherever you go, there you are. � Chalkdust101

Wherever you go, there you are. � Chalkdust101

Wherever you go, there you are.

In reflection on March 10, 2010 at 12:20 am
I may have missed the boat with a TEDxNYED reflection being that it is going on Wednesday and several others have already gushed about the day.  If you had paid attention to the stream of one-liners that was flying from stage to twitter during the day, you would have heard some gems like these:
Now we could donate more than just money, we could donate our skills.  Location did not matter anymore.  It is  “The Death of Distance” (Andy Carvin)
Volunteerism has been redefined and we are the ones redefining it. (Andy Carvin)
Media are not just tools, they mediate relationships.  When media changes, relationships change, and thus we change as a society. (Michael Wesch)
Teachers who are most successfully are the ones who share most successfully with the most people. (David Wiley)
A parade of rainbow sparkle ponies. (David Wiley)
The role of new media should be to increase our capacity to be generous and open.  Let’s get away from static artifacts of learning, and more towards openness and discourse and discussion. (David Wiley)
And that was before lunch had been served.  It was a day where it was easy to get caught up in the gravity of what was being spoken about, or to take what you heard and scream