Monday, March 1, 2010

This Week In Education

This Week In Education

News: Connecticut Contemplates RTTT Redo

Conn. lawmakers may beef up "Race to the Top" plan Associated Press:  Connecticut lawmakers are considering ways to fortify the state's application for millions of dollars in education funding under the president's "Race to the Top" initiative, concerned the state won't receive funding in the first round.
In Middle School, Charting Their Course to College and Beyond NYT:  In New Jersey and elsewhere, schools are experimenting with individualized learning plans that are intended to help students create career goals. 11111111111news
RI teachers weigh legal action over mass firings AP:  A teachers' union is considering legal action after the entire staff of a long-troubled high school in Central Falls was fired.
District May End N.C. Economic Diversity Program NYT:  At stake is the direction of a Raleigh suburb school system, the largest to consider income in placement.
Protests and Promises of Improvements at Schools NYT:  Parents, reform organizations and others expressed concerns that the Chicago Public School district has embarked on yet another failed reform effort.
GOP challengers join Texas ed board battleground AP:  Uproar over the evolution curriculum. Divides over religious influences in American history. A board member who called public schools a "subtly deceptive tool of perversion."