Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SCUSD Observer: Pay attention class...

SCUSD Observer: Pay attention class...

Pay attention class...

In Sunday's Sacramento Bee, columnist Marcos Breton preached that SCUSD teachers need to share the pain, claiming that our teachers haven't "lifted a finger or sacrificed a dime" as the district has made devastating budget cuts.

An effective tactic of editorial writers is to spark controversy by taking a complex issue and distilling it down to one explanation and often, one villain.

And that is why, with permission, we reprint an online comment written (and reader-recommended) by an astute SCUSD government teacher who has no qualms about respectably talking back to power.
No matter the shape of the final budget deal that will be eventually be struck by Sac City teachers and the district, larger issues will continue to drain the life out of this state and nation. And in recognizing those bigger issues is where the writing of so-called opinion leaders like Mr. Breton fail. Continuing to tout give-backs and other slash and burn employment remedies as a way out of this crisis is folly and simply ignores basic macroeconomic concepts. More employee cost-cutting whether through lay-offs or benefit and pension cutting will not save us. Rather it is a