Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Schools Matter: Across the Pond...Edison Expanding?

Schools Matter: Across the Pond...Edison Expanding?

Across the Pond...Edison Expanding?

From The Times (UK):

Business will seek to run state schools after shift in political attitudes

Greg Hurst, Education Editor
Businesses are looking to revolutionise state education by bidding to run hundreds of schools, as politicians open the door to new education providers.
Companies want to create national chains of state schools, eclipsing the current groups of charitable academy sponsors, which tend to be small and geographically based.
Although both the Government and the Conservatives say that organisations driven by profit should not run schools, both have created a path for them to enter the sector. Governing bodies of new, or existing, schools can appoint a contractor to operate the school on their behalf — a model used widely in the US.
VT Group, Serco and EdisonLearning are among companies that have applied to be accredited