Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Storm brewing in New Orleans

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Storm brewing in New Orleans

Storm brewing in New Orleans

Arne Duncan has back-tracked, sorta, from his claim that Hurricane Katrinawas the best thing that happened to New Orleans education. But the post-Katrina two-tiered school system he endorses,continues under another former Chicago schools CEO, Paul Vallas.

It's a system that is drawing more and more heat from the city's disenfranchised. Yesterday a crowd openly hostile to Recovery School District Superintendent Vallas, used a state board of education meeting to raise concerns about whether charter are leaving the most vulnerable children behind.

When Vallas stated at Monday's meeting at Joseph S. Clark High School, that charters are doing "a heck of a job" educating public school students, the mostly African-American