Monday, March 29, 2010

The Key to It All � InterACT

The Key to It All � InterACT

The Key to It All

MARCH 29, 2010
by Kelly Kovacic
“Will you do what you can to keep them interested in the teaching profession? They need some inspiration.”
It is a Friday morning and the auditorium at Santiago Canyon College, a community college in Orange, California, is filling up quickly with college kids who want to be teachers. Despite being the last day of Spring Break, and an early start time, there is a buzz and energy in the room.
This year’s theme for the annual Future Teacher Conference is “Raising the Bar in Teacher Education.” As the keynote speaker, I am asked to keep the students interested in the teaching profession and inspired. I know I have a tall order to fill. Not only do I need to speak for 50 minutes, but the “warm-up” by Kalonji Saterfied, one of the conference facilitators, will be a tough act to follow. He is personable, funny, and positive, and his persistent question to the audience – “Is that good or great” – elicits shouts of “great” every time.
Plus, the education news these last few weeks has not been good. A few days earlier, State Superintendent O’Connell announced that 21,905 pink slips were issued to teachers across California. Several school districts, including massive Los Angeles Unified School District