Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Golden Gate [X]press : State senators fight for more funds

Golden Gate [X]press : State senators fight for more funds

When thousands came out last week in support of overhauling the California education system, there was a great deal of talk about the future, leaving much to be desired in terms of actual change.
Faced with rising tuition costs and fewer classes, students, educators and staff outraged at the state of public education flocked to Sacramento in support of budget reform.
Senators Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) and Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) addressed the audience on the steps of the Capitol on March 4, advocating for future efforts to encourage budget reform.
"Everyone will have the kind of higher education, the kind of higher, K-12 education we deserve," said Sen. Yee on March 4. "If we don't do that, there is no future --you are our future."
"If Leland Yee can not vote for cuts, you can too," Yee said. "When we all do that, we will bring California to its knees. That will be the day when all of us in Sacramento will get our priorities straight."
While his statements offered encouragement and optimism to the audience of students, faculty and staff of public schools, the follow-through of his promises remains the most important aspect in their minds.
"Education is the key to your future, and you are the key to education's future," Sen. Steinberg said. Looking ahead, his emphasis lies not solely in protesting the budget but to do so with a specific cause.