Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Final Thoughts: Smarter Data Systems Series � The Quick and the Ed

Final Thoughts: Smarter Data Systems Series � The Quick and the Ed

Final Thoughts: Smarter Data Systems Series

March 23rd, 2010 | Category: Accountability, Uncategorized

A few concluding thoughts on the excellent posts from the Smarter Data Systems series guest bloggers:
  • Laurence Holt is spot-on in his call for a clear theory of action for data systems and the use of data. We need to get serious about drawing the through line for how all that data actually impacts teaching and learning. Posts fromVincent Cho and Norton Gusky can inform theories about classroom teacher use.
  • New York City was prominently featured in posts by both Heather Weiss and Arthur VanderVeen. But among the thousands of school districts, few have the resources to create and implement sophisticated, ARIS-like systems. Lori Fey’s description of the Texas Student Data System provides a glimpse of the emerging state role in extending flexible data platforms to local districts.
  • Ben Boer is right: Our country is about to invest $350 million to improve assessments–we better make sure to structure our data systems and conception of data use to visualize and support actionable information from the torrent of new