Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Education Week American Education News Site of Record

Education Week American Education News Site of Record

The administration's blueprint for replacing NCLB draws support from some—but sharp criticism from the national teachers' unions.
(March 15, 2010) | Comments (2)
Spurred by fiscal pressures and federal reform priorities, district and state education leaders move swiftly and forcefully to make big changes. (March 16, 2010)
The new FCC report recommends changes to the E-rate program and removal of policy barriers to online learning.(March 16, 2010)
The final tally of layoffs depends on the state budget to be adopted for the coming fiscal year.
(March 16, 2010, AP)
The man appointed to overhaul Detroit Public Schools' finances unveiled a five-year academic plan that calls for making sure every high school graduate who applies to college is accepted. (March 16, 2010, AP)
A wide-ranging measure designed to ease pressure on the juvenile court system and keep kids in school got first-round approval from Nebraska lawmakers Monday.(March 16, 2010, AP)
Gov. Joe Manchin said the legislature can count on returning to the Capitol soon to ensure West Virginia wins funding during the next round of Race to the Top.
(March 16, 2010, AP)
A program to pay D.C. middle school students for good behavior and grades is running out of money.(March 16, 2010, AP)
High school students took and passed more courses as requirements increased, but the change did not boost grades or college-going, a study finds. (March 15, 2010) | Comments (1)
New research probes a broad range of questions about Advanced Placement courses and tests, as expectations for them continue to climb. (March 12, 2010) | Comments (3)
The founding principal of an Arabic-language school lost her job after she made controversial remarks about the word "intifada." (March 15, 2010, AP) | Comments (1)