Sunday, March 21, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education- Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Tonight watch Discover's new 'Life' series

Did you ever watch the Discovery Channel’s “Planet Earth,” a series with footage so spectacular that it made cynics I know marvel? Each episode was a great science lesson.
Tonight begins Discovery's terrific follow-up natural history series, “Life,”an 11-part wonder narrated by Oprah Winfrey.
Watch killer whales working as a team to hunt seals in Antarctica. See a star-nosed mole hunt underwater using bubbles to smell its prey. Marvel as millions of fruit bats darken the Zambian sky--a huge colony only recently discovered by scientists. Witness the spatule-tail hummingbird courtship display, filmed in super high-speed.
There is, too, gross stuff kids will like: Giant starfish eating a dead giant Pacific octopus, filmed in time lapse. Polar bears munching on a huge whale carcass.
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