Monday, March 1, 2010

Diane Ravitch’s conversion The Educated Guess

The Educated Guess

Diane Ravitch’s conversion

Posted in Uncategorized
From neocon Irving Kristol to anti-communist crusader Whittaker Chambers, there’s been a history of true believers turned full-throated denouncers. Now, education has a celebrated convert, Diane Ravitch.
Before an approving audience of union teachers in San Jose on Saturday, the education historian , respected author and blogger (“Bridging Differences)denounced all of what she once believed in: pay for performance, the school accountability movement, standardized tests, public school choice.
The New York University education professor and fellow affiliated with the Hoover and Brookings institutions especially laid into her erstwhile allies: think tanks and foundations  that are “demonizing unions, scape-goating teachers and undermining education.”
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