Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Editorial: 'Teach for America' gets chilly reception - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Editorial: 'Teach for America' gets chilly reception - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Editorial: 'Teach for America' gets chilly reception

Published: Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 16A
Recruiting and retaining motivated college graduates to teach math, science and special education has long been a struggle for schools in troubled, low-income areas.
To recruit such teachers, California depends on the traditional education major at an education school and alternative teacher certification programs for non-education majors. As fewer candidates enter the traditional programs, alternative programs have become all the more important.
One of those is Teach for America, a nonprofit that recruits top college graduates who commit to teach for at least two years at low-income schools. It has a tremendous record in California's largest urban areas – Los Angeles, Oakland, San Jose and San Francisco.
Sacramento is the lone holdout. That needs to change.
Even as it faces a tough budget year, the Sacramento City Unified school board should jump on the opportunity to hire 30 Teach for America

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