Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Duncan and Bennett Share Same Forked Tongue Schools Matter

Schools Matter

Duncan and Bennett Share Same Forked Tongue

Seated alongside America's lead virtuecrat and reformed serial gambler, Bill Bennett, Arne Duncan was on CNN yesterday to declare that education is "the civil rights issue of our generation." While Duncan blamed some states for choosing the adjustable rate plan to failure and the mythical 100% proficiency target set by NCLB in 2014, he had nothing negative to say to about the NCLB plan itself, which is now publicly recognized as a thinly-veiled privatization scheme that cynicially used and still uses children for political and financial gain.

If you look at the video (keep barf bag handy), you will see the old white walrus, Bennett, playing bad cop to Duncan's clueless cop. While Duncan whines about states yielding to political pressure and "dummied down" standards, Bennett puts his fat fist straight to the solar plexus of the teaching profession. Smash! While Duncan focuses on "rewarding excellence," Bennett offers the old bloviator's approval for Duncan's support of the Central Falls Massacre last week as a way to crush the teachers' unions. Apparently, Duncan now has to carry his own gray-muzzled police dog to bark that point across, since the Massacre has galvanized the nation's teachers against such bare-knuckled stupidity.

At heart, Duncan is a coward, and there is plenty of reason for him to have that big-eyed, pasty glare all over his 

The Common Core: The New Black Hole Where Social Studies and Science Disappeared

(Click to enlarge and get sick)
Perhaps it should be called "Rotten to the Common Core."

Here is the Contents Page for the new national curriculum (unless you decide otherwise). And when the new national test is designed to go with the new national curriculum, no doubt it will be all about readin', writin', and 'rithmatic, too.