Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Daily Bruin | Hate crimes spark Regents' dialogue on campus climate, diversity

The Daily Bruin | Hate crimes spark Regents' dialogue on campus climate, diversity

The recent wave of hate crimes at various University of California campuses took center stage at the UC Board of Regents meeting today, as regents, campus chancellors and students came together to discuss the campus climate and diversity of the university.
The recent events include an off-campus party mocking Black History Month and the hanging of two nooses at UC San Diego, along with the discovery of a swastika found carved into a dorm room door at UC Davis.
UC President Mark Yudof described the events as "the worst acts of racism and intolerance that (he has) seen on college campuses in 20 years."
In the wake of those acts of hate, the regents convened at UC San Francisco to address the attitudes that resulted in these actions and presented strategies by which similar incidents could be prevented in the future.
Already the administration has taken preliminary measures to improve the climate of the